Wedding photos
All is well here. We have cleaned up the room so it don't seem like there is as much to pack and get ready to go. Last night Colin and I went out and had a splurge night. We spent as much on dinner at a cute little Japanese grill place as we would in the states. We had sake and took turns toasting each other. Then I tried to surprise Colin by taking him to a Gelato place I saw from the bus once. Unfortunately I gave too many clues and he knows Taipei too well. He guessed. We mozied around and had a lovely relaxing evening. Today we are showing a string of people the apartment. We're really leaving soon. I alternate between being exited and being anxious- what's not done?
Well no time for worries. Here are some photos from our Taiwanese wedding shot as promised. Like I said before, we're not actually married yet. I know, it's sacrilege to have our photos ahead of time, but not so in Taiwan.

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