Fearful possiblities, maybe?
Today two of my 3rd graders came into class saying to me "hen chao, hen chao" and I of course responded to them in English with "Yes, very noisy." That's when I realized that it was indeed noisy and the reason was because jets were flying overhead. Not one jet, but lots. And let me tell you, we are not in a flight path of anything. I have never heard jets before and I don't think there is a military base near by. Now, there is no problem at all, but I stood there inbetween classes where I had to loudly yell the lessons and wondered "what would happen if those were Chinese jets." What if today was the military takeover of Taiwan by China and I was having a beautiful day with my wonderful students an hour and a half train ride from where I assume an attack would take place- Taipei. Then I started to wonder what I would do if that happened. I would probably be whisked away by the American government, but it could be really interesting to see. I get the sense that it wouldn't be very violent and there would just be a fluid transitions to Communist strangness. Anyway, it won't happen this year and it won't happen while I'm here so don't you all worry over there. It's funny where your thoughts go when you hear jets.
By the way, can anyone tell me about podcasts?
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