At it again

It may be hard to start anew, but we often forget the lessons of the past and are thus allowed to move forward with more rewarding mistakes. I am "at it again" writing this blog, which begins in in December because I accidently erased it. I am "at it again" living abroad because I I erased from my memory the continous miscommunication and confusion of it. Luckly you can sit back in the comforts of your native language and culture and enjoy my adventures, hopefully with a laugh or snicker.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Eating s'mores Ariel

Eating s'mores Ariel
Originally uploaded by ari mail.
There are new photos on my flickr site There aren't many, but go look. This is me eating S'mores made thanks to Colin's Mom's care package. There are also Chirstmas photos on Colin's blog (no point putting them up twice and lots of officialish photos of me talking here: